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Studies Show Patents & Profits Save Lives

By Ginny Stoner |

Image by Alfred E. Neuman [PD-Old] | Remix by Ed. |

August 19, 2042
It's widely believed that hundred of billions of dollars have been spent and exhaustive efforts have been made to discover natural, low-cost methods of preventing and treating disease, with no encouraging results.  In fact, it's such common knowledge that it's been deemed an Indisputable Fact and documented in the Scientific Consensus Directory, rendering anyone who questions it a science denialist. 

The pharmaceutical industry has been at the forefront of the search for natural health treatments that cannot be patented, zealously pursuing every possible avenue toward rendering themselves less profitable. 

A public interest partnership between the pharmaceutical industry and government health agencies has utilized a "revolving door" process that allows government and pharmaceutical personnel to seamlessly transition lucrative employment back and forth from the public and private sectors, so as to ensure the most effective collaboration in their mutual quest to discover the secrets of vibrant, drug-free health. 

The medical industry has also been an important participant in the humanitarian effort to discover natural ways to prevent and cure disease, with doctors continually seeking alternatives to drugs and vaccines so as to render the most profitable components of their practice obsolete and decrease patient volume. 

Cancer research and treatment specialists have been particularly active in the effort to make their specialty unnecessary at the expense of their own careers, tirelessly pursuing answers as to why people develop cancers in the first place. 

They're hungry for an explanation for why the overall cancer rate has increased since 1975 in spite of a decades-long "war on cancer", and are particularly keen on discovering why cancers in children have been on a steady upward trend for decades.* 

That is, when they're not busy running campaigns to create hairless "cancer Barbies" to make it clear that cancer is now just a normal facet of childhood.

On an encouraging note, sophisticated and lucrative developments in cancer testing have made it possible to detect cancers earlier, making it appear as if a slight improvement in the all-important  "5 year survival rate" actually means something. 

Unfortunately, exhaustive research into natural prevention and treatment strategies has been a complete disappointment, confirming that all promising treatments are invariably patentable.  Moreover, treatment effectiveness virtually always shows a high positive correlation with profit margin. 

These results have been so consistent that it is now possible to assess the likely effectiveness of any proposed treatment simply by examining its potential for patentability and profitability.

Because of the extensive and irrefutable evidence in this regard, government and pharmaceutical industry efforts to improve public health now focus primarily on warning people about the horrifying dangers of nutritional supplements and unpatentable, unprofitable "quack" remedies. 

The major media has, as usual, been indispensable in disseminating this valuable information to the public, undoubtedly saving countless lives by refusing to waste time investigating it.

