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There are many universes. And that means there are many inventors of universes.

Some universe are designed with technology, some are made whole, like improvised paintings.

There are simple universes and complicated ones.

The painters who make universes are free from the restraints civilizations place on artists, and are free from myriad self-imposed restraints…because they want to be.

They don’t need spiritual or cosmological content delivered by external authorities. They invent cosmological content.

They don’t need symbols packed with meaning. They invent symbols and imbue them with singular, or multiple, or endless meanings. Or they decline to use symbols altogether.

They don’t need to look for answers. They don’t need answers at all, because they have no questions.

They don’t rule populations. They don’t rule anyone.

They don’t need tragedy or irony or limitation of any kind to attach to, and embed in, their art.

They’ve left behind any semblance of passivity.

They experience the ecstasy of creating.

Why shouldn’t they?

“Any great work of art…revives and readapts time and space and the measure of its success is the extent to which it makes you an inhabitant of that world—the extent to which it invites you in and lets you breathe its strange, special air.” (Leonard Bernstein)


(Many Universes  reprinted here with permission of the of the author.)


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Many Universes

By Jon Rappoport | | OutsideTheRealityMachine

Image "Visioni Simultanee" by Umberto Boccioni [PD]

August 26, 2015