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Global Oligarchy Cheers Near Eradication of Last Defense Against a Tyrannical Government

By Ginny Stoner |

Image by David Dees |

August 14, 2042
The Committee of Nameless, Faceless High Global Overlords issued an official silent nod of approval after a recent ATF report showed that an estimated 94% of all firearms in the North American Union are now safely in the hands of the Global Overlords, their bodyguards, the security teams guarding their luxury estates, their agents of war, NAU military cops formerly known as peace officers, and the official Black Market Firearms Cartel.

A limited number of firearms will still be made available to CIA black-ops experimental psychiatric patients as needed to maintain a nationwide hysterical fear of crazy people with guns.

"For the first time in the history of the NAU, ordinary peaceful citizens need no longer live in fear of being randomly gunned down by another ordinary peaceful citizen," said Committee spokesperson Aimee Goodsham.

