It's time Travel on the web!  Political Satire, Cartoons, Art & Short Stories to free your mind

Ginny:  So, what did you come up with, Henry?

Henry:  In a word -- AIDS.

Ginny: *Groan*  Don't tell me this is going to be a story about a psychopathic researcher who secretly unleashed a weaponized virus.

Henry:  Not at all.  Not even remotely.

Ginny:  Secret eugenics extermination plot by nameless, faceless Illuminati overlords?

Henry:  I believe the "nameless, faceless" aspect would violate the fourth criteria we agreed on.  I did identify a few instigators at the top.  As to their purpose or motivations, that's up to the reader to decide.  The results of the plot were pure evil by any standard, and most of it was accomplished by people whose motivations were to do good.  It satisfies all of the story criteria.  It's also relevant to the Ebola crisis of 2014.

Ginny:  Oh, no...surely you're not talking about *horrified gasp & derisive scoff* AIDS denial!

Henry:  Well...

Ginny:  Henry, are you nuts?!?  Doesn't Wiki have a page devoted entirely to explaining how anyone who questions the AIDS/HIV paradigm is an idiot?  And don't they even have a scary looking picture of the actual virus on there to prove it?

Henry:  Quite true.  But perhaps you should actually watch the videos before you draw your conclusions.  Unless, of course, your fear of being labeled an idiot is more powerful than your desire for knowledge, in which case my suggestion would be that you refrain.  I'm entirely free of ego or expectations of a paycheck, so if you choose not to publish the story, I won't be hurt.

Ginny:  Okay, okay -- you got me, Henry.  We'll let the readers make that decision for themselves. 

Here goes:

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Good Achieves Evil:  The Ultimate Story Challenge

By Ginny Stoner |

Image by Ginny Stoner |

October 1, 2042
The *horrified gasp & derisive scoff* AIDS Myth

Read a short intro here:

Watch the videos here:

Most people like to read stories about the endless good in humanity.  There's no lack of material, because examples are everywhere -- heartwarming and inspiring tales of good Samaritans, generous philanthropists, and tireless humanitarians who have devoted their life to good works. 

But for many people, stories of ultimate evil also have a compelling fascination.  Exposés of serial killers, murderous dictators, and menacing scofflaws of all kinds are not hard to find either, although it probably takes a little more digging to find them.

While brainstorming new story ideas, the NWO Reporter came up with an unusual one:  Would it be possible to combine both types of stories in one?  Could we find a true story of horrible, unadulterated evil -- but evil that was perpetrated, at least for the most part, by humanitarians with pure motivations and the highest of ideals?

To tackle this seemingly impossible story, we decided on four uncompromising criteria:

First, it had to involve extreme evil, with lots of human suffering and death.  No lame stories about teachers who destroyed their students' self-esteem, or anything like that.

Second, it couldn't involve a war.  No tales about soldiers dutifully fighting unjust wars that were instigated by corrupt dictators and greedy international bankers.  

Third, the main players perpetrating the evil had to be genuine humanitarians with a goal to do good -- they couldn't be good people gone wrong, or psychopaths masquerading as people with a conscience.

Fourth, if there were psychopaths leading the way at the top, we wanted to know who they were, at least some of them.  We wanted names and faces and video.  We wanted more than just hypothetical Illuminati plotting to destroy humanity.      

It was the ultimate story challenge for any reporter, but amazingly, contributing android editor Henry Foster

proved he was up to the job.