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EEKBOLA ALERT!  Experts Advise:  Panic Immediately, Obey Official Instructions

By Ginny Stoner |

Image by NWO Reporer

August 1, 2042
WHODUNNIT HAS issued a Super-Mega-Ultra Red Alert for the latest global pandemic -- coming soon to your community!  Absolutely no one anywhere is safe!  All citizens are advised to cowerin their homes, avoid travel, and start planning their funerals.

In a statement issued by WHOdunnit yesterday, spokesperson Angus Qualmish warned:  "We believe the EEKbola pandemic is more dangerous by far than any of the previous 28 pandemics declared since 2009, when WHOdunnit removed the pesky requirement that 'enormous numbers of deaths and illness' are required to declare a global pandemic."

"WHOdunnit would like to remind all citizens that good nutrition, clean water and good sanitation are irrelevant to health and wellness," continued Angus, "it's just a coincidence that most deaths from previous pandemics have occurred in countries where those luxuries are absent.  All citizens are advised to panic like never before, and to diligently follow all instructions given by their caring leaders."         

While actual confirmed deaths from EEKbola worldwide are only 456 to date, expert statisticians at WHOdunnit, using sophisticated projection techniques available only to the specially initiated, estimate that the number of deaths will skyrocket to 2.9 million within the next 3 weeks -- nearly double the number who died of diarrhea last year.

The Pope of the Holy Roman Catholic Empire reports that priests worldwide are booked solid for the next three weeks with appointments to administer last rites.  In an attempt to ensure a smooth transition to heaven for as many as possible, the Vatican has scheduled a televised Last Rites Special airing tonight, also available on podcast.  The Vatican also announced the release of a new personalized Last Rites app, available for a tithe of only 50% of your net income for 2041. 

Citizens are assured that all major mega-pharma conglomerates are working diligently around the clock to perfect a vaccine to save the world.  It's a race to the bank for Bayer-Phizer vs. Johnson&Johnson&Merck&Co, each of which has announced the imminent release of a quasi-tested, conceivably-safe, possibly-effective vaccine within the next 48 hours.  

After a thorough review of the evidence by the FDA, the EEKbola vaccine is expected to be on the market within the next 72 hours.  An emergency executive order requiring every NAU citizen between the ages of 1 month and 99 years to get the hypothetically lifesaving vaccine has already been issued by NAU President Jay-Hova-Z. 

Warning signs of EEKbola infection include fever, chills, cough, headache, nail biting, throat-clearing and general crankiness.  Citizens are advised to report family, friends, neighbors and coworkers exhibiting any of the warning signs of EEKbola to the Worldwide Panic Hotline immediately. 

Remember, when in doubt, report!  Under no circumstances should you attempt to exercise your own judgment when your life and lives of your loved ones are at stake!

